Karangasem · PARQ · Atualizado 22.01.2025


Avaliação do edifício ?
Area from
807 ft²
price from
3383988750 IDR
Tipo de propriedade
Ocean city by Parq are villas right on the beach with stunning views of the ocean and Mount Agung. The complex is located in the Chandi Dasa area in the east of the island. This is a whole city with epic infrastructure. No need to go anywhere - absolutely everything is here, from a restaurant and a spa to a school and a kindergarten.

Villas on the first line have a private pool with sea water, located on the beach, right at the water's edge. Restaurants, cafes, a bakery, a co-working space, a spa and a gym will open here. There will be own delivery from supermarkets, pharmacies, etc.

Ocean City by Parq will feature the largest salt water infinity pool on the island, located on the shore. Clean fresh water is drawn directly from the ocean, at a distance of 100 m from the shore. The sand near the pool will be as white as in the Maldives. The ocean pool with a smooth increase in depth is absolutely safe for children - there are no marine life here.
To be confirmed.
Convenience and security
- Mango Groves
- Diving
- School and kindergarten
- Stables
- Organic farm
- Helicopter for residents with a 50% discount (2 times a month).
- Fishing
- 24-hour salt pool 150 meters
- Pantone
- Pier for water sports
- Helipad
- Solar panels
- 5+ restaurants
- Spa
- Coworking
- School and kindergarten up to the 5th grade
- Gym
Availability of greenery and water
  • Greenery
  • Water
Accessibility by car
  • Pantai Ujung
    2 minutes
  • Pura Mastima Jasri
    2 minutes
  • Pantai Jasri
    5 minutes
  • Surf Point Cafe and Restaurant
    7 minutes
  • Pura Batu Mecakep
    10 minutes
  • Pantai Payung Teduh
    10 minutes
  • Pasir Putih
    15 minutes
  • Guungan Hill
    23 minutes
  • Candidasa Beach
    23 minutes

Localização e infraestrutura

Destaques de OCEAN CITY

  • Cidade: Bali
  • Projeto: OCEAN CITY

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