Silver Palms

FL, Miami-Dade, Miami, 33186 · E & E Realty Homes, LLC.
The new homes in this complex feature the following characteristics: 4 bedrooms and 2 fully equipped bathrooms, a modern open-plan design, porcelain floors, impact-resistant windows and doors, stylish kitchen cabinets, quartz countertops, LED lighting, and a driveway that can accommodate 4 or more cars. The homes are equipped with stainless steel kitchen appliances and offer ample space for an RV on a 6,250-square-foot lot where you can create your dream patio.
To be confirmed.
Convenience and security
-Green areas
Availability of greenery and water


亮點 Silver Palms

  • 城市: Miami
  • 項目: Silver Palms

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