Sea Mirror Residences

JUMEIRA SECOND Part 1 · Lamar Development
Sea Mirror Residences - is a waterfront penthouse community that harmonises apartment living with the highest standards of architecture, design and amenities.

Taking inspiration from nature, the materials and textures used produce a contemporary aesthetic of refined finishes and understated elegance. Home interiors draw on the surrounding environment’s organic shapes and textures.

The Sea Mirror Residences not only combine modern architecture with nature but also offer spacious lounge areas for lavish entertaining, a private oasis of verdant gardens and terraces and wellness offerings for relaxing and vitality in the heart of Dubai.
About the project
Stay tuned to receive more information about the upcoming project.
  • Approximate location
    Al Wasl, Jumeirah
  • Developer
    Lamar Development
  • Start date
  • Dubai ID*
  • Bank account*


亮點 Sea Mirror Residences

  • 城市: Dubai
  • 項目: Sea Mirror Residences

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