"Aviator" Apartment Hotel

Kuta Utara · Real Estate Bali Papa · Aggiornato 21.11.2024
Real Estate Bali Papa

In evidenza

Valutazione dell'edificio ?
Area from
345 ft²
price from
1894025870 IDR
Tipo di proprietà
The AVIATOR apart-hotel is a project of businessman and amateur pilot Sergey Sulimov. Stylish interior will remind residents of the romance of flying
and will provide a comfortable rest after the real work.

The developer has done everything necessary to fill the hotel all year round. Investors who purchase apartments for rent will be able to receive annually 10-20% of the income from the initial investment.

The aparthotel has strong walls, air conditioners, modern bathroom and kitchen equipment, and peaceful views outside the window. A capital building is being erected, free from the shortcomings of traditional Indonesian housing. It will be a pleasure to stay in it in any weather - both now and ten years later.

Within walking distance - about 50 establishments
with Asian and European cuisine for every taste. Restaurants offer a full vegetarian menu of choice, some specialize in vegetarian food.
Air conditioning, TV, refrigerator, stove, double bed with bed linen, crockery and table linen.
Convenience and security
- Closed territory
- Swimming pool in the yard
- Medical center and pharmacy
- Bowling
- Aquapark
- Stables
- Tennis courts
- Yoga studios co-working
- Confectionery
- Beauty Salons
- Supermarkets
Availability of greenery and water
  • Greenery
  • Water
Accessibility by car
  • Berawa Beach,
    3 minutes
  • Frestive Berawa Supermarket
    1 minute
  • Lapangan Segara Prancak
    2 minutes
  • Finns Recreation Club
    6 minutes
  • Nelayan Beach
    31 minutes
  • Pererenan Beach
    29 minutes

Posizione e infrastrutture

Punti salienti di "Aviator" Apartment Hotel

  • Città: Bali
  • Progetto: "Aviator" Apartment Hotel
  • Appartamenti disponibili: 2 appartamenti

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