Alameda Marina

CA, Alameda, Alameda, 94501 · Landsea Homes
Landsea Homes ' Alameda Marina project in San Francisco includes two new townhouses: Island View and Waterside. Located on the waterfront, these neighborhoods offer direct access to the bay connecting Alameda to Oakland. The complex includes modern townhouses ranging in size from 1,462 to 2,744 square feet, with options ranging from 2 to 4 bedrooms and 2.5 to 3.5 bathrooms. Many homes have roof terraces, which creates a private outdoor space for residents. The complex is designed in a modern marine aesthetic, complemented by extensive parks and accessible boat berths. It offers a variety of floor layouts to meet the needs of families of different sizes, providing flexibility in customization. The amenities and location make it ideal for families, professionals and marine enthusiasts looking for a vibrant community close to city amenities.
To be confirmed.
Availability of greenery and water


亮點 Alameda Marina

  • 城市: San Francisco
  • 項目: Alameda Marina

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