
À propos de Quadratia

Quadratia is a leading developer specializing in residential projects along the Spanish Mediterranean Coast, strategically focused on serving international clients. Established in 2005, Quadratia has expanded its model through strategic alliances with developers and investors in the Mediterranean region. The company's roots trace back to the early 1970s, continuing the legacy of several renowned development companies based in Alicante, at the heart of the Spanish Mediterranean coast. Among the most emblematic projects are those located in the Alicante area, particularly in Playa de San Juan, where Quadratia pioneered the holiday residential concept aimed at families seeking homes with large terraces, generous common areas, and spacious gardens. This strong heritage provides deep market knowledge and essential skills to ensure success in managing and executing all projects. Over the past decade, Quadratia has successfully led various projects for prominent real estate investors and funds, covering more than 3,400 residential units across over 330,000 square meters of buildable area along the Spanish Mediterranean Coast. These projects represent a total investment exceeding 430 million euros, with estimated revenues of over 600 million euros. The team comprises over 45 permanent members, supported by an external network of experienced professionals, enabling the handling of any residential project effectively. The multilingual customer service department is dedicated to assisting all clients, both national and international, throughout the purchasing process.

Points forts de Quadratia

  • Promoteur: Quadratia

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