Realiste AI ratingsAverage price sqft24 place of 114High --LowAverage unit price19 place of 114High --LowAverage unit size39 place of 114Medium --LowPopulation43 place of 99Medium --LowHighInflation87 place of 98High --LowShow all ratings
Highlights of Hamburg's real estate market analyticsCity: HamburgAverage price sqft: -- - HighAverage unit price: -- - HighAverage unit size: -- - MediumPopulation: -- - MediumInflation: -- - HighPopulation density: -- - LowPersonal income: -- - MediumIncome tax, highest: -- - MediumIncome tax, lowest: -- - HighCost of rent, 1-bedroom: -- - MediumCost of living, family: -- - MediumCost of living, single: -- - MediumMortgage rate: -- - MediumCentral bank rate: -- - LowCorporate tax: -- - HighSales tax: -- - MediumCrime rate rating: -- - MediumSafety rate rating: -- - MediumPolitical stability: -- - High