Realiste a levé 2 millions de dollars lors de la Seed round, maintenant en train de lever la Série A. En savoir plus


À propos de Кортрос

The KORTROS Group of Companies is one of the largest multiregional development companies in the country, which specializes in the construction of high-rise and unique buildings and structures in engineering, technical and architectural aspects, and also creates a full-fledged environment for comfortable living. KORTROS achieves the desired result through the construction of high-quality housing, the development of diverse infrastructure on the territory of projects, as well as the widespread use of new technologies, such as Smart Home and Artificial Intelligence Systems. The company has been operating since 2005, and during this time has sold more than 4 million square meters of housing in 8 regions of the Russian Federation. In the near future, the company plans to build about 6 million square meters more. In 2023, the company became one of the leaders of Russian developers, having commissioned 340 thousand square meters of housing in the Moscow region, Yekaterinburg and Perm. The developer set a record for the pace and volume of sales for as many as 17 years of implementing the Akademichesky project in Yekaterinburg, having sold 4,186 apartments. KORTROS's share of the primary market of Yekaterinburg in 2023 was 10%. The company also presented a new project to the market - the premium residential complex TATE, which will become the architectural dominant of the Maryina Roshcha district in Moscow. Based on the results of 2023, the KORTROS group of companies entered the top 15 developers in terms of supply in the Moscow region. In 2024, the company announced the creation of Science City in the Urals Federal District, and also topped the rating of the top 10 best developers in Yekaterinburg. The Olimpika residential complex in Yekaterinburg was recognized as the best architectural project at Innoprom-2024. In the same year, the developer entered the top 5 skyscraper developers, and the Headliner residential complex entered the top 10 largest new buildings in the Central Administrative District of Moscow. The developer annually takes part in the largest industry events and awards and wins in key nominations.

Points forts de Кортрос

  • Promoteur: Кортрос

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