The Taj Al Maseef project is located in the city of Taif. The project includes villas that use traditional construction techniques that comply with building specifications and standards, and the developer provides high quality electricity and water services. Taj Al Maseef is located near public facilities.
The project involves the construction of 556 villa complex in Al Rehab area. Three villa modules will be depicted in the development namely, Masa, Yaqout, and Zumorod, translating to the precious stones diamond, ruby and emerald.
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To be confirmed.
Convenience and security
- Parking - Mosque - Park
Availability of greenery and water
Accessibility by car
1 minute
Elite Medical Complex
7 minutes
King Fahd Sports City
11 minutes
King Fahd Stadium
11 minutes
Al Faisaliah Garden
14 minutes
Green Mountain Resort
30 minutes
Bird Park
35 minutes
Ottieni il Golden Visa
Investendo in questa proprietà, hai la possibilità di ottenere il Golden Visa degli Emirati Arabi Uniti – un programma unico che concede la residenza a lungo termine negli Emirati.
Residenza a lungo termine senza bisogno di sponsor.
Opportunità di lavorare o avviare un’attività negli Emirati.
Accesso a istruzione superiore e servizi sanitari di livello mondiale.