3 Cuscaden is a modern residential development located on Cuscaden Walk in the prestigious Orchard district of Singapore. The project consists of a single 23-story building with 96 exclusive units, including one-, two-, and three-bedroom apartments. The development offers a contemporary urban lifestyle that combines functionality and style. Panoramic windows and spacious layouts provide stunning views of the cityscape. Completed in 2023, the complex features luxurious amenities, including a sky-high infinity pool and gardens, offering residents a serene retreat in the heart of the city.
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To be confirmed.
Availability of greenery and water
Ottieni il Golden Visa
Investendo in questa proprietà, hai la possibilità di ottenere il Golden Visa degli Emirati Arabi Uniti – un programma unico che concede la residenza a lungo termine negli Emirati.
Residenza a lungo termine senza bisogno di sponsor.
Opportunità di lavorare o avviare un’attività negli Emirati.
Accesso a istruzione superiore e servizi sanitari di livello mondiale.